Forwarding a message or document
You can forward a message from your mail database or a document from another database.

When you forward, "Fw:" appears at the front of the message or document's title. You can turn this prefix off. To do so, choose File - Preferences - User Preferences (Macintosh OS X users, Notes - Preferences - User Preferences), click Mail, and deselect "Automatically add forward prefix to subject."

If you attempt to forward a Notes mail message and see only a line saying "Forwarded by" with your name, the sender has set an option to prevent copying or forwarding. Ask the sender to re-send the message without this option.

1. Open or select the message or document. To forward multiple messages or documents as a single message, select the messages or documents by clicking in the column to the left of the titles.

2. From the menu, choose Actions - Forward and then choose a type of forwarding.
Type of forwardingDescription
ForwardForwards the entire original message.
Forward without AttachmentsForwards the entire message as above, except for file attachments.
Internet-Style ForwardForwards the text of the original message formatted in the line length and marked with the left-margin character (> is the default) specified in your preferences. This style of forwarding includes no pictures, attachments, OLE objects, or collapsible sections.
3. Address the message in the To, carbon copy (cc), and blind carbon copy (bcc) fields.

4. (Optional) Type comments anywhere in the original message or document.

5. (Optional) Click "Delivery Options" and select delivery options.

6. Click Send.

Tip Use Permanent Pen to add your comments in a color that stands out from the original message. From the menu, choose Text - Highliter to highlight text in the original message.

See Also