Mail and Address Book troubleshooting
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Why can't I find Tools, Rules, or Stationery in my mail?

If your mail database design has not been upgraded (either replaced or refreshed), even though you have installed a new release of Notes, you may not be able to see certain mail features. For example, you should see a Tools action bar button near the top right of your mail window, and under the Tools icon in the navigation pane along the left of your mail Inbox, you should see Rules and Stationery folders.

First, make sure your Domino administrator has upgraded your home server to at least Release 5.0. Without Release 5.0 or later home/mail server support, you cannot use a Notes mail template that contains the Tools action bar button and Rules folder.

Second, if you have at least Release 5.0 mail server support, make sure either you or your administrator has upgraded the design of your mail database using the Release 5.0 template (mail50.ntf) or later.

To check if you are using at least the Release 5.0 mail template:

1. From the menu, choose File - Database - Open.

2. Click Browse.

3. Under "Files of type," in the "Choose a Notes database or template file," select "Notes Template Files."

4. Look for "mail50.ntf" or "mail6.ntf."

5. If you see only "mail4n.ntf," ask your Domino administrator to upgrade your mail.

After your administrator upgrades, you still may not see the Tools button on the right side of the screen if your bookmark page is pinned open and your resolution is set to 800x600 or less, or if you make your Notes window small. Click the right arrow on the right side of the action bar to scroll to the Tools button so that you can see it.

Mail view action bar buttons before scrolling

Mail view action bar buttons after scrolling

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Why can't I add a signature to my mail message?

To create a signature to add to the bottom of your outgoing mail messages, click the Tools button, choose Preferences, and click the Signature tab. Create a signature and select "Automatically append a signature to the bottom of my outgoing mail messages." Turn this option off if the opposite is true and you want to stop having a signature appear on your messages.

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Why can't I find the spell checker?

To check spelling when editing a document, choose Edit - Check Spelling. To have Notes automatically check spelling before you send a mail message, click the Tools button, choose Preferences, click the Basics tab, and select "Automatically check mail messages for misspellings before sending."

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Why can't I convert contacts in another program's address book to contacts in my Notes address book?

If the other program can export contacts as vCard files, you can import those files as contacts into your Notes address book. If the other program does not export vCard files, ask your Domino administrator for assistance; you may already have installed a utility for converting contacts from the program.

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Why does the status bar say "Pending delivery" when I send mail?

"Pending delivery" displays in the status bar when you are working in a local replica of your mail database. When you send mail, the mail goes into the outgoing mailbox as pending. When you dial into the network, connect online, or replicate your local database with the server, mail in the outgoing mailbox is automatically sent.

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Why does my e-mail address sometimes appear in the cc: field when I choose "Reply to All?"

When you choose to reply to all recipients in a message, Notes looks in your Location document for your "Internet mail address," located under the Basics tab. If the original sender of the message sends you mail using an email address that differs from the one specified in the "Internet mail address" field in your Location document, Notes treats that email address as unique. For example, if your "Internet mail address" field says, Notes only recognizes that Internet mail address, even if you can also receive messages addressed to

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Why can't I stop mail attachments from automatically compressing, or from being sent with a reply?

If you want to prevent all mail attachments from compressing (instead of clicking the option to avoid compression each time you create an attachment), encrypt your sent mail. Encrypting prevents compression of attachments.

To reply to a message without including attachments, choose Actions - Reply - Reply without Attachment(s).

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Why can't I send a mailing list to someone else?

You can copy and paste a list of addresses, for example Internet addresses or full Notes addresses, from the "To", "cc", or "bcc" field in a mail memo and send the list as text in a mail message. Enter your list name in the "To" field, choose View - Refresh to expand the list to its addresses, choose Edit - Select All and then Edit - Copy, create a new message, and paste the list into the body of the message.

If you and the recipient are in the same organization, however, a more efficient way to share a mailing list is to ask your Domino administrator to make the list a public list that you both can use.

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Why do I get a Notes formula error message when I try to create a mail rule?

Don't enter quotation marks around criteria, or else you may see an error. For example, enter Alice as a sender name, not "Alice."

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Why won't my mail rule run?

After you create a rule you must enable it before it can run. Open the Rules folder in the navigation pane, select your rule, and click "Enable Rule."

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Why can't I send a message a second time?

Open the existing message you want to send, and choose Actions - Copy Into New - New Memo. Then you can send the message again, with or without further editing.

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Why doesn't my mail have a Backup command?

In Notes you can use archiving to back up your mail, either to a server, your local computer, or even another storage medium such as CD-ROM if your computer can write to it. Ask your Domino administrator how archiving works in your organization. There may be policies controlling whether you can archive your mail or whether your organization does it for you.

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Why can't I see the Who is Online button for Sametime?

If you have Sametime Connect installed, but you can't see the "Who is Online" button at the top of new messages, your mail may need a newer design, as it would if you couldn't see the Tools button. Ask your Domino administrator for assistance with upgrading your mail.

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Why are messages I deleted still in my All Documents view?

Deleted messages move to the Trash folder. In the navigation (left) frame of your mail, click Trash. You can restore messages or permanently delete them. You can also change your mail preference for how long messages remain in the trash. For more information on the preference, see Deleting mail.

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Why can't I click options in the Archive Settings dialog box for my mail?

Your administrator has set a policy for mail archiving. for more information, see Administration policies for archiving mail.

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Why are messages in the wrong folders in my mail archive?

If you rename or delete folders in your mail and continue archiving to the same database, you may get unexpected results. For more information, see Selecting documents to archive.

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Why don't messages I send have the correct date and time?

When you send a message, Notes gets the date and time from your home server. If you notice inaccuracy, contact your Domino administrator. When you create a message using stationery, the date and time initially appear the same as when the stationery was created, but are corrected to match your home server when the message is sent. For more information on handling date and time for certain unusual configurations, see Specifying dates, times, and time zones.

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Why can't I find a command to compact my mail database?

If you see a message that you should compact your mail, you can compact it from the database properties the way you compact any database.

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See Also