Sorting mail in a folder or view
You can sort messages in most mail folders and views by clicking the headings of the columns that contain an up or down arrow. To return to the original sorting method, click the heading again.

For example, you can sort the messages in your Inbox view in three ways:

These messages below have been sorted by date, with the newest message at the top of the view and the oldest message at the bottom.

Mail view sorted with most recent dates at top

You can customize a view by dragging columns to rearrange them (for example, you can drag the Subject column to the front of the view). Notes remembers the way you rearrange your mail columns the next time you open mail.

Before you customize the Inbox, however, explore the other views in Mail to see whether one of them does what you want.

Tip To count the number of messages in any mail folder or view, choose Edit - Select All and look at the number shown in the status bar, then choose Edit - Deselect All.

If you have folders in your mail database that were created in a previous release of Notes, you can upgrade them to match the new folder design in Lotus Notes 6.

See Also